Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Computer Now In Service

Old computer had major issues.  Very old, almost as old as I, yet we hope to retrieve information stored in it.  

We almost have a floor in the house.

No electrical yet and plumbing is out but possibilities lurk around the corner.

Look for updates more frequent as time allows.

Have a great day!

“I am a solipsistic conspiracy theorist.  I am sure I am up to something, and I will not stop until I find out what.”

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fireweed in Bloom

As we work to try and get the house weathered in, we noticed the fireweed is already two inches in bloom. That usually indicated early winter coming. Now we hope the boat makes it to the mighty Kuskokwim before freeze up.

Continually visiting around and making contacts. We have not received the radio station equipment from England as of yet -that is where it was ordered from.

Pray for good weather and safety as we work on the house. No injuries as of yet except for the sledge hammer falling on the sink and smashing it. Anyone have a good sink for a bathroom?

Received windshield wipers in the mall yesterday. 2 wiper blades on the old truck! Yahoo.

Pray for Holly as she is going to doctors this past and next week for a newly diagnosed health issue. Three more visits next week as well as extensive blood work.

Have a great weekend.

Parson Carson.